Age 9 to 12

‘A Firework’s Flight’ by Freddie Murley, Age 10 Years

I was in the cardboard box, it was about 5 pm. I got taken out of the box.The ground was like a muddy puddle. I got the long red wire attached to me…on the end of it was dynamite!

I was scared like a human.

He got a match and lit the end of the wire. It was coming to me. It got to the last piece of the wire and up I went whirling up into the air. It was going until….
Suddenly I went BANG! I exploded, the noise of the firework was great. I was looking down at the crystal blue sea as I looked down I saw the tall ships arrive into Falmouth harbour.
I could see the people having fun in the streets celebrating the Tall Ships coming into Falmouth. I could see the dogs and cats lying next to the trees.

The dust was falling from me.