Age 9 to 12

‘Tall Ships Poem’ by Lauren G, age 11

Woosh, went the waves when the fireworks exploded in the night sky.
Swoosh, went the wind in the trees as the crowd cheers and howls.
Bang, went the fireworks as the sea shone from the moon.

Dogs barking
Bells ringing
Children screaming
Trees swishing
Birds squawking
Barbeques burning
Fireworks exploding

The smell of pasties waft by.
The seagulls fly by
The people glaring at the sky.
The ice cream dripping on the pavement.
No-one wanted it to end.
Getting late, the clock bell rang
It was time to go home.
The last fireworks went off,
screaming, whizzing into the sky.
Slowly people left.
What an experience!