Age 9 to 12

‘A Voyage of Discovery’ by Noah Walker aged 9

A Voyage Of Discovery

9th July 1850

I was washed onto a golden yellow beach surround by luscious green forests the sand was flaming hot so I jumped up straight away. All I could remember was that The Fierce was ship wrecked. The water around me was filled with playful dolphins and tropical fish.

I emerged into the forest with a jagged rock from the ground, there were howling monkeys and twittering of birds. Eventually I found a sparkling lagoon full of mudskippers and crocodiles. I swam across. Some crocodiles looked a bit suspicious and they started to snap at me. But on the other side of the lagoon I thought I heard voices and I went further. I swear I saw people watching me and yellow eyes peering through the trees. “Hello?”… No one answered.

Next, I came up to a mountain so I started to climb until I found a cave. Luckily for me, it had an underground lake full of fish! I began to lap up the water, greedily and outside bamboo was growing, so I snapped some down. I jabbed at the water, eager to catch a fish. However, I found a bottle filled with water. I kept it for later. I’m glad I still have this paper to write on and if anyone ever finds this letter… I AM STILL ALIVE!
