Tall ships
Alone just
Lying there so
Lonely I can
Smell the lushest food ever
Here I am watching them in the harbour
I am also watching very noisy
Pets. They are plucking their whiskers and biting their nails.
Tag: acrostic
‘The Regatta’ by Jacob, Age 8 Years
The people waving their arms
Aeroplanes landing on the sea
Lost planes with bad pilots
Lost kids crying
Ships racing in the wind
Happy people laughing
If you see
People jumping off masts
Ships sailing away.
‘Tall Ships’ by Luke, Age 8 Years
Tall ships honk honk
All the people talk talk
Lunch chomp chomp
Lovely fireworks in the sky bang bang
Ships flags flap flap
Horns honk honk
I saw the fireworks with my eye
People happy watching the display
Singing choirs entertain
‘Tall Ships’ by Jay, Age 8 Years
The sound of the most amazing fireworks
A giant crown of cheering people
Lovely smells of barbecues cooking
Like nothing you have ever smelt
Super cool sailors standing on sails
Happy people all around you
Impossible to count everyone
Praying it will never end
Sailing out of Falmouth.
‘Tall Ship’ by Izzy, Age 8 Years
The sails flap flap
All the sailors singing tall ship songs
Laughing and cheering
Loving the fireworks and seeing the flags
Sailors chatting and talking
High sails blowing about in the wind
I really love it and it is very loud
Pretty fireworks exploding
Surprise boat horns going off
‘Tall Ships’ by Amelie, Age 8 Years
Tall Ships gather round,
A brilliant time it is,
Look around the corner a lovely view,
Lovely scent of salty sea water,
Singing and dancing all around,
Hurry! The tall ships are racing,
I love it this year – the tall ships are amazing,
Please be over soon I’m very tired,
Sleep time for me: a lovely day it’s been.
‘Tall Ships’ by Bella, Age 8 Years
The sailing tall ships come into Falmouth,
All the people are amazed,
Look around for their might be something to be found,
Look up, hoist the sails!
Smell pasties, warm in the stove,
Hear people laugh and cheer!
It’s really amazing that tall ships are here,
People play Cornish music,
See the dazzling fireworks end the day with a flash!
‘Tall Ships’ by Daria, Age 8 Years
Telegraphers telegraphing their favourite ships,
All the active sailors on massive boats,
Ladies wearing glossy make up,
Lollipops being licked,
Seal fins are clapping like mad,
Hurry, hurry you should see this,
Imaginative fireworks popping wildly,
Particular people chattering deep into the night,
Sea rustling you can faintly hear it in the distance but it will never end.
The wonderful tall ships are sailing into Falmouth,
All the people are extremely excited,
Little amazing canoes are really fun,
Lights flash flash,
Ships’ sails flap flap,
Horns honk honk,
Ice cream yum yum,
People chat chat,
Sails flap flap.
‘Tall Ships’ by Emma Age 8 years
Tall ships’ flags flap flap,
All the people chatting chat chat,
Lovely blue sea splash splash,
Lots of people laughing ha ha ha,
Shining fireworks shine shine,
Horns of the ship honk honk,
I see the waves crash crash,
People sweeping the decks sweep sweep.