Age 9 to 12

‘Where’s Kirsty?’ by Hannah Pratt and Georgia Webster, Age 12 Years

Sean: Hey, Jenna, I think I just saw Kirsty disappear onto that ship. I thought she agreed to stay?

Jenna: She did agree.

Sean: So why was she getting on that ship?

Jenna: (shouting) SHE WASN’T, STUPID!!!

Sean: Come on! We have to stop her. It was her! Trust me.

Jenna: Fine. I guess those people can go without their paper for one day!

(Jenna and Sean rush down towards the harbour and get on the ship.)

Jenna: Sean! You said she would be here.

Sean: I thought she was here!

Jenna: Well then where is she?!

(The ship jolts forward, knocking Jenna and Sean over. Kirsty also falls over but is hiding behind a barrel.)

Kirsty: (unseen from behind a barrel) OW!

Sean: Hey, Kirsty! Told you Jenna!

(Footsteps are heard coming down the stairs.)

Kirsty: Quick, we have to hide!

(A large, unshaven man walks into the room. He is talking on his mobile phone)

Kirsty: (whispering) Shhh! He hasn’t seen us yet!

Man: Ok. Wait a second. (he hangs up, and takes a beer from the fridge.)

Sean: (whispering) What’s he doing?

Jena: (whispering) I dunno.

(The man blows his nose, looks around the room and then leaves.)

Kirsty: That was close, but let’s stay hidden.

Sean: Yeah, a bit too close for my liking!

Jenna: It wasn’t that bad, we didn’t get caught.

Sean: No, I was talking about you Jenna!

Jenna: What about me!

Sean: You were WAY too close for comfort.

Jenna: Umm …….. No I wasn’t!

Kirsty: SOOO! (obviously trying to change the subject.) How are we supposed to get off this ship? You guys weren’t meant to come too.

Sean: Well what were we supposed to do? Stand on the harbour waving goodbye!?

Jenna: We did consider that.

(Two men walk down the stairs obviously arguing.)

Man 1: She’s not down here, you’re hearing things again.

Man 2: (Kirsty’s dad) But I thought I heard Kirsty’s voice.

Man 1: Mike! You chose to leave them, so you need to get over it.

Man 2: Leaving them was the worst mistake I ever made.

(Kirsty and her friends exchange confused looks. Kirsty gets up from the barrel she was hiding behind.)

Kirsty: Dad?

Age 9 to 12

‘The Angel Boat’ by Leanna, Age 11Years

I woke up and looked out of my window from my cosy bed. There were so many colourful ships passing my window. Outside was busy and people were bustling and jostling to get a good view of the boats. There were rides and people selling candy floss but my eye was on one of the boats, a beautiful pine brown one with a figurehead at the bow of the boat shaped like an angel dancing down from heaven.
I smiled and heaved a sigh of relief. My Mum and Dad were on that boat. They waved to me and I wildly waved back. I was staying with my auntie and uncle. They were very kind to me but I still missed my parents.
I ran out of my door, forgetting my coat in my haste, but I didn’t care I would soon be hugging my Mum and Dad, I was so excited. People pushed me but I pushed them back, everywhere was a hive of activity, there were people who were selling sweets, who pulled me and asked me if I wanted sweets but I ran and they let me go. There were fishermen who blocked my way and asked me if I wanted fish but I dodged past them and carried on running. I was going to see something better than these colours, I was even going to see something better than sweets and chocolates. I was going to see my Mum and Dad.
At last I eventually reached the harbour, I pushed to the front and right in front of my eyes was my Mum and Dad!