Age 6 to 8

‘Hurrar they’re here’ by May, Age 8years

Wahay the Tall ships are here
Everybody shout hurray.
Come outside and watch them glide across the turquoise sea

Get up sleepy heads it’s time to get out of bed.
Come on lets have some fun.
Dance and sing all day long.

I have never seen people so happy before
Come on Tall ships
Lets have some more.

Age 9 to 12

‘The Great Regatta’ by Katie, age 11

The Great Regatta

Whilst the bell tower struck,
People danced joyfully,
The children could not believe their luck,
As fireworks crashed and burst noisily,
People rushing to see leaving footprints in the muck.

The boats sailed in one by one,
As sailors hurried up the mast,
Eagerly waiting to join in the fun,
The regatta had finally begun at last.

By Katie