Age 9 to 12

“A Dog at the Regatta” by Megan, age 11years

A Dog at the Regatta

A dog was at the regatta,
He found a bog and got covered in mud,
Although that didn’t matter,
He smelt the sausage rolls at the regatta,
Then he ate them all and became fatter,
The man that sold the sausage rolls got cross,
So he threw a ball of moss,
It hit him on the head,
He ran home to lay on his bed…………
but how those Fireworks boomed, How the crowds cheered,
He got no sleep that night!

By Megan

Age 6 to 8

My Poem by William aged 7

Pitch black, spotty collared dog
Tall ships massive, large, thin and skinny
People waving arms, cheering, singing sea shanties
Fireworks beaming, sparkling, whizzing,

Age 6 to 8

‘Tilly and Bob’ by Emily Ra, Age 8 Years

Tilly is young and she is twenty-four. Tilly has a dog called Dave. They were in town. When then got there Dave the dog disappeared. Dave smelt a hot dog and he ran to find it on a tall ship. Tilly was worried because Dave was gone. She went around town hunting for him. She looked on the beaches. She looked in the hotels. She looked in the castle. She couldn’t find him. She looked everywhere. Then she played her music. Dave heard it and he came back. He barked and barked!