Age 9 to 12

‘A Once in a Lifetime Experience’ by Jessica Cook Age 9 Years

A Once in a Lifetime Experience

Ship’s Log Day 1

Looking over my shoulder I could see my Mum, tears streaming down her face. I could still hear her last words bouncing off the sides of my head. ’’I’m so proud of you, be safe, love you!’’ Everyone was pushing and shoving to get a good view of such a magnificent ship.

I heard the horn and jumped to life. In a frenzied panic I rushed to my cabin, stuffed my stuff under my bed. Suddenly the boat lurched forward. Yikes! I was going to be late. I was going to be missed. That wouldn’t be a good start to my record!

I got up on deck and into position. Some people were startled by my appearance but most ignored me.The bow was out of the harbour by now but the stern had barely left the wall! It gave me an idea of how big she was. The boat lurched again and put on a burst of speed and before I knew it, we were out of the harbour and off. Off exploring the world!

Ship’s Log Day 8

My cabin isn’t the most comfortable place to sleep but I would rather sleep in the crow’s nest than scrub the decks every hour of my life. That is why I haven’t been able to write in here for ages, although we’ve been very lucky to have such a calm trip, just blue skies and waves lapping gently against our boat.

Yesterday I was the cause of something very exciting, I was up in the crow’s nest with a telescope to my eye scanning the horizon for something interesting… I found it, land and it wasn’t a trick of the eye either. I hollered at the top of my lungs “Land ahoy!” We were only a couple of miles off so that gave me enough time to get down from the crow’s nest.

As I was the first person to spot the island, I got to get off first. When I looked up having jumped off the boat, I was awed by the astounding beauty of the island. There was a torrent of water running down the north side of a snow topped mountain. Surrounding the mountain was a grass green jungle bursting with animals we were yet to discover.

For what seemed like hours I stood there. The captain told us that we would explore the island tomorrow I agreed so I went to my cabin and fell asleep instantly.

Ship’s Log Day 14

This island just gets better and better! We were exploring the west side of the volcano scoring the land for new rocks or species. Neither were found but something made up for that… it was a treasure map!

We all crowded around the Captain to get a look at this strange map. Ever so gently as though he was scared to break it he unrolled the map. We all gasped it was a map of our island and in the 1st bog in the marshland was a big fat red cross…treasure!

The captain made up his mind instantly we were going to find that treasure no matter what. Overcome with greed he set off at a brisk walk mumbling every step of the way. The quest was on!

Ship’s Log Day 23

As we entered Greenwich dock colourful crowds of about 7 deep erupted into excitement and laughter.

I don’t know what was wrong with the sea, whenever we travel the sea is flat and calm as anything! I’m so pleased I’ve recounted everything in this log otherwise I wouldn’t be able to tell anything to my Mum! The only thing I can’t tell her is about the fabulous treasure because it is such a big secret.

My emotions haven’t been much of a rollercoaster but my adrenalin has been worn out completely! On the ship I was always one of the most inquisitive people, always asking questions; ‘What’s this?’ ‘How does it work?’ ‘Can we go here?’ The only reason the captain put up with it was because I found the island in the first place!

My eyes scanned the crowd just like when they found the island. I was looking for my family, Mum especially, as she was the one who got me a place on this ship so I owe a lot to her. Suddenly I saw her jumping up and down like a mad lunatic. I yelled, “Mum , Mum over here!” She looked up and saw me, immediately tears started streaming silently down her face. It was over and time to get back to a normal life.

Age 9 to 12

‘Ship’s Log Day 14’ by Skye Sangster, Age 9 Years

Ships Log Day 14

It was the end of our voyage of exploration and we travelled through the English Channel and sailed up the River Thames. We came into my home town of Greenwich. I could see most of my aunts and uncles, all my cousins were there, and mum and dad were there too. Even my Nan was there and she hardly ever leaves her home.

I could see loads of London’s famous buildings. I could see the O2 arena. I thought it was the sun but it was far too big and on the west. Well maybe west was pushing it because I didn’t have a compass but still… I also saw some of the more ancient buildings like the domes at Greenwich.

A wave of mixed emotions cut right through me like a blade purposely slicing my heart. It was the end but I was at home. I was sad but I was happy. The ship pulled up next to the Shard which was awesome. I slowly plodded down the plank and ambled across to find mum. It was strange not moving up and down but satisfying.