Age 9 to 12

‘Bang, Pop, Whizz’ by Frank Adams, Age 12 Years

Bang, Pop, Whizz, Zoom
That’s how the fireworks fly.
Up,up into the sky,
Up where the tall ships sigh
Up, up in the very high sky.

Jelly fish tenticals whizzing all around
Bubbles in our ears as the fireworks POW
The fireworks go Pop Bang Sizzle Sizzle
That’s how the fire works go.

Yellow, blue, green, violet
The flags on the tall ships are colours,
Colours in the sky just as the fireworks fly.

Age 9 to 12

‘Zoom’ by Monty Lyall, Age 12 Years

Zoom, zoom
Be careful of the boom
It might not zoom but it has a big boom.

People, people waching from the tower,
I don’t know why but they have been wating for an hour!

Age 9 to 12

‘Colour and Noise’ by Patrick Toraskar, Age 12 Years

As people scream and cheer
Cats hide from the fireworks that go
Whizz, pop, bang in the sky.

Colours, colours in the sky,
Pink, pink, yellow, blue.

As the night goes on you feel tired
But excited for more and more fun.

As the evening grows darker the noises
And celebrations continue.