Age 9 to 12

‘Cheerful People’ by Louis H, Age 9 Years


The sails of the ships look how they sway,
People on masts shouting “Hey! Hey! Hey!”
Children laughing having fun,
“OH NO!” we’ll miss the tall ships…let’s “run!”
No matter how you feel, no matter what you say
You’ll have fun in some way.

By Louis H

Age 9 to 12

‘Emily’s Story’ by Louis, Age 9 Years

Emily’s Story

Emily was a girl,
She held a pearl.
She played music for days.
But never got paid.
So she got a new job,
Met a man called Bob.
Got a job on frames,
She learnt many names,
Not just Bob but Dob.
The fireworks and flames,
Made her forget those names.
The sway of the boat.
Let her forget the moat.

by Louis

Age 9 to 12

‘Tough Tall Ships’ by Lila, Age 9 Years

Tough Tall Ships

Gushing water getting rougher and rougher

Wind blowing in my face getting colder and colder

Boat rocking getting dizzier and dizzier

Men shouting getting louder and louder

By Lila

Age 9 to 12

‘Tall Ships’ by Keane, Age 9 Years

Tall Ships
Tall ships are big and wide
Everybody wants to get on one
but they can’t
They really want to go everywhere
Around the world
I love Tall ships

By Keane
Age 9

Age 9 to 12

‘Tall Ships Galore’ by Jasmin L, Age 9 Years

Tall Ships Galore!!

The huge tall ships are sailing out to sea,

The huge tall ships are taller than Mr Lea,

The huge tall ships have huge sails

The huge tall ships are bigger than giant whales,

The huge tall ships have people standing on the masts,

The huge tall ships have people wearing masks,

The huge tall ships have colourful flags,

The huge tall ships have flags made out of bags

Jasmin Age 9

Age 6 to 8

‘As the Long Boats go Past’ by Jamie, Age 8 Years

As the Long Boats go Past

As the long boats go past the pier,
All the people shout and cheer,
Flags are flying in the sky,
Fireworks fly very, very high,
All the sailors on the ship tall,
Teetering, holding tight ,about to fall,

By Jamie

Age 9 to 12

‘Tall Ship Regatta’ by Neve, Age 9 Years

Tall Ship Regatta

Celebration time in Falmouth,
Excited people all around town,
Listen carefully to the soft music,
Elated people dancing in their clogs,
Bright colours bursting though the town,
Regatta for everyone, come on join in,
A celebration not too forget,
Tonight it’s time to party,
Illuminating the sea side town fireworks fly,
On the pier there are people dancing,
Never forget this celebration.

By Neve

Age 9 to 12

‘A Beautiful Night’ by Hannah, Age 11 Years

A Beautiful Night

The crackling fireworks giving off a bright light,
The calm glistening sea beaming in the night,
Gigantic tall ships getting ready to set sail,
People dancing and cheering while drinking ale,
Flags calmly waving side to side,
A peaceful, millpond this high tide,
It’s such a beautiful sight,
What an amazing night!

By Hannah

Age 9 to 12

‘The Regatta’ by Samson, Age 9 Years

The Regatta

The fireworks boom and light up the sky,
You can hear the drunken sailors singing a shanty,
The wooden pier is full of dancing people,
The man playing the accordion beside John Dyer’s shop,
As all the bands stop the people start walking home,
All the cups and cans left on the road and the pavement,
For tomorrow’s rubbish collection.

By Samson

Age 9 to 12

‘Bright Light Long Night’ by Aaron, Age 10 Years

Bright Light Long Night

Fire burning in the bright lights.
I am cheering for the boats to start the race.
Red and white lights.
Excited people dancing and prancing on the boats in the harbour

We are all waiting for the race to begin at 12 o’clock,
Oh my, oh my, what a wonderful sight of the night sky,
Roaring of the wind, pushing the big white sails,
Kids playing all night long in the starry night sky.

By Aaron