Age 6 to 8

‘The Tall Ships’, Leo, St Dominic School, age 8

The Tall Ships

On the side tall ships came into bay
It was lovely looking at them,
It was really good ,
We had lots of fun .
I went on one of the ships .
I had a wonderful view.
By Leo

Age 13 to 16

‘My Poem’ by Ben, Aged 14 Years

ships are big
ships are tall
ships are mighty
i like them all

ships are cool
some are small
some are shiny
some of them rule

Age 9 to 12

‘Waving Goodbye’ by Ishka Weightman-Saville, Aged 12

White topped waves
Like galloping horses
Leading the ships away
As they fade into the distance
The wind resists
But I just wave
