Fireworks sparkling in a sapphire
Palm trees blowing on a rough
Flowers dancing in lime green
Seagulls with yellow and black
sharp claws.
Fireworks sparkling in a sapphire
Palm trees blowing on a rough
Flowers dancing in lime green
Seagulls with yellow and black
sharp claws.
Red collared dog howling
Tall ships small ships sailing
Sneaky cat hunting for bunting
Beautiful fireworks banging and crashing
Sea shining bright
Nagging seagulls pecking at chips
Rainbow coloured houses glowing
Sapphire sky sparkling
Tall Ships as tall as a skyscraper
Thick trees
Loads of people
Flags big and blowy
Fireworks in the dark sky
Big houses, small houses,
Giant palm trees,
Tall ships, small ships,
Seagulls squawking,
Girls, boys waving their hands,
Colourful, banging fireworks.
Beautiful houses reflect from the
Lovely tall ship
Magical booming fireworks
Black dog with spotty collar
Cat white whiskers
Girls and boys cheering.
Lots of people on the sand. But most people are on the land.
Everyones face is full with a smile, especially a young boy named Kyle.
When the tall ships come in. Everyone goes to a cafe to have some dinner.
After that some fireworks were set off at that moment it was clear that some people had a laugh.
Meanwhile a festival appeared, an hour later the light disappeared.
Then everybody went home. Some people went alone.
It all started in Australia where I was made, days in days out I would get rattled around. Until one day it all stopped nothing was to be heard or even seen, the days became long and tiring. Days became weeks. Six weeks later I found myself packed up in boxes I felt like a dog in a cage. I was in royal mail London UK then I got sent to Falmouth where I blasted up in the sky for Tall ships 2014.
Tall Ships and Small Ships they bob up and down
Tall Ships and Small Ships their in the town
Tall Ships and Small Ships they have wonderful paintwork
Tall Ships and Small Ships beneath the paint, woodwork
Tall Ships and Small Ships colourful fireworks
Tall Ships and Small Ships are not the only boats
The Firework I see is as beautiful
as the sea,
The boats that are floating are floating in
the sea,
The trees that are colourful are filling up
the streets,
The streets are wavy just like the
Cats, cats
Not on the
On the roof
Like a bird
Watching, just watching
The Tall Ships go by,
Not daring
To shut my eyes,
I wish it would happen
Every night