Age 9 to 12

‘Tough Tall Ships’ by Lila, Age 9 Years

Tough Tall Ships

Gushing water getting rougher and rougher

Wind blowing in my face getting colder and colder

Boat rocking getting dizzier and dizzier

Men shouting getting louder and louder

By Lila

Age 6 to 8

On a Tall Ship by Amy K Aged 8

I am on a tall ship.
A beautiful, sparkling tall ship.

I am sailing through the dazzling, blue ocean.
My sails are taking me as fast as the wind will take me.

I am on a tall ship
A beautiful, sparkling tall ship.

Age 9 to 12

‘The Sea’ by Jacob Wynn, Age 10 Years

The sea
I smash when I’m angry,

I jog when I’m happy and

walk when I’m feeling sad,

my waves are, like bombs when I’m being controlled by the wind,

and like a Great White Shark lurking around the waters of the sea.

Age 9 to 12

‘The Salvation’ by Will Haskin, Age 12 Years

The day the tall ships came,
I knew the ships’ names,
The white sails,
The milk pails,
The black shadow,
The blue hoe,
The coronation,
And finally: the salvation.

Its white sails flailing,
The wind wailing,
The waves crashing,
It sounds like a whip lashing.

My hopes are up,
My face erupts,
My salvation is near,
Falmouth is here.