Age 9 to 12

‘Tall Ships’ by Iris, age 11

Another firework exploded.
Children having fun.

Seagulls flying through the gentle moonlit sky.
While the tall ships crowd in and say hello.
The smell of happiness lures me in to join the family.
The moon is a light shining down on us,
Keeping us safe and secure
As we cheer and play inside the glorious town.

Darkness is crowding in,
People are getting scarce.
The moon is waking up,
Until another day.

Age 9 to 12

My Poem by Ellie Aged 9

The Firework I see is as beautiful
as the sea,

The boats that are floating are floating in
the sea,

The trees that are colourful are filling up
the streets,

The streets are wavy just like the

Age 9 to 12

‘A Firework’s Flight’ by Callum Mitchell, Age 10 Years

All I can see is darkness. I think I’m in a box. Suddenly the box shakes and I can hear people around me shouting, then a sharp object comes through the roof of the box and slits through the tape running down the flaps of the box to keep it shut. Four fingers come the top of the box and lifts open the flaps and holds me in his big warm hands.

Suddenly somebody shoves me in the the ground and walks away.

A couple of hours past and now its dark some people with bright green jackets behind me and lights my tail “ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss” my tail is about to send me up up, up into the shiny sky.

“3,2,1” the men shout. Suddenly I shoot up into the night sky like a rocket past the sails of the boats. Instantly I straighten out and go up. I can see all the people cheering and clapping, watching me! I can smell the grey smoke following me. I can taste whizzing next to me. I can hear the waves lapping on the sea.

Suddenly I explode into a million pieces across the night sky. Red, blue and green…All the fractures run down into the crowd.

Age 9 to 12

‘A Firework’s Flight’ by Willow Martin, Age 10 Years

Sleeping in a tiny, old, dusty, box I was lonely and afraid, the box was as dark as the night sky. Feeling scared I stared up at the thick brown masking tape … I felt I was in a frozen world. I kept asking myself “where was I?” A sharp warm hand reached into the dark gloomy box. I could hear birds tweeting. I could smell fresh air as broad daylight crept into the box.
The hand pulled me out, as rough as a wrestler, onto a little stand in the green wavy grass. Waiting in a trance I saw the bright yellow golden sun like a runny egg yolk as hot as a bubbling saucepan. The sun ran away over the beautiful meadows. After five minutes I smelt burning as five other fireworks with nervous faces got placed next to me, how would you feel?
Night fell suddenly as I worked my way up into the colourful bright sky with big bangs pop and whizzes. I wondered what colour I would be. Up in the sky I could see joyful, happy seals swimming in the calm blue crystal sea. The white baggy traditional flags took all the pride in themselves. I was shooting up and up like a rocket! People dancing with bright red colourful dresses like enthusiastic parrots. I could hear laughter and clapping. Suddenly POP! I was a brilliant bright blue like the vibrant sea itself. But then I died out with no more sparkle, my fifteen minutes of fame was over.

Age 9 to 12

‘A Firework’s Flight’ by Rebecca Mitchell, Age 10 Years

One lovely Monday morning I got picked out of my friends, I heard Mr Bluesman (the firework manager) say “This special little striped firework will be a big, crazy hit at the ceremony, John.”
“Great we need lots of different sorts of fireworks because many people are going to see the tall ships coming in, so we need to keep them entertained.” A deep voice whispered (I guess that is John). Then two strong, tall men put me in a dusty old box with white shiny foam as white as the full moon. I felt like I was being suffocated as they closed the dark, spooky, dodgy box. They sent me somewhere strange I don’t know where but it was a bumpy ride I’m sure of that! I don’t reckon it was that far from JKF (Jacob Kangaroos Fireworks) but I knew this was the start of a new exiting adventure…

In approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour (I think?) I felt a cold, damp, scaly hand and I saw a dazzling hopeful stream of light, I could hear cheers of laughter as well as I smell the salty chips and ice cream. I knew I was at the docks, but where? I also heard a faint whistle of an angry boat driver (sounds like his fuel is low.) Suddenly I saw a shining silver rack gleaming in the beautiful sunlight with other colourful fireworks on it. All hooked up to a stick of dynamite taped to the bottom of each individual firework.

CLUNCK! I got chucked on to the slimy rack. I bet they are laughing behind my back! I lay on my front all afternoon and watched gleaming boats coming in and moving to the side as if there was something scary coming up behind their backs.

The other fireworks looked at the sky where they were going to die tonight, waiting patiently as families started to arrive. Then all of a sudden…pow! Up I go, I can see children’s spirits lifting as I go bang! I am now floating up into heaven.

Age 9 to 12

‘A Firework’s Flight’ by Isobel McIlduff, Age 11Years

In a dark, scary, dusty box I saw nothing,but there were more fireworks I’m sure. Suddenly the box started moving. I felt scared… I had no idea what was happening, the box was moving side to side like a rocking horse. Just then I did a sigh of relief as the ride finally started to get calmer.
Slowly the box opened bit by bit the sun came shimmering though, I saw people they were massive, scary and tall they stared at us, I looked around I saw more of us fireworks, he started taking us out one by one and carefully placing us down on the ground. But why and how did I get here? While I was being put down I saw ships and houses…
1 minute later…
I got hotter (sizzle) and I was getting ready to go up into the night sky shining with stars. I went up zooming and whizzing through the sky running like a horse galloping in a race. Half way up I saw boats as tall as a giraffe. They were white, new and glistened in the moon lit sky. There were people playing music and singing their socks off… at the top I can see everything more clearly now I can smell the other fireworks after their bang. BANG! BANG! BANG! I saw the other fireworks BANG! I saw the tall ships from above and jumping, happy, exited people, cheering, screaming, BANG! However the tall ships where still coming in as slow as a snail I started falling.
“Ahhhh” I yelled,I started getting faster and faster even though it felt slow it was really fast . . .

BANG! BANG! BANG! I can hear the other fireworks as I die in the sea. BANG!…

Age 9 to 12

‘A Firework’s Flight’ by Florence Bawden, Age 10 Years

Bumpty, bump I go in pitch black darkness inside a dusty old box that I got chucked into by an old man wearing a plain, white T-shirt with only spots of colour on a tiny pocket. I am a colourful, stripped firework who has no idea where it’s going, this particular firework is a bit angry with that old man who carelessly threw me into a strange, long box with flaps on top. I thought I might be put in that strange box a bit more gently like putting a baby in its tiny but comfy cot when its fast asleep….

I guess not, anyway something is rattling the flaps at the top of the box I keep seeing streaks of light fighting through the flaps. Then excitedly I have a thought, is this the moment when I am going to be released from this prison? The answer is YES, brilliant! I see a young man (I think he is a young man) suddenly big, strong hands crawl towards me. Finally I am released, I am put on a black and silver stand with lots of other colourful fireworks: some spotty, some stripy (like me!) and some just solid colours like a rainbow.

Just then the young man that took me out of that dusty, old box ,which I was imprisoned in, hooks me up to a long thin wire that comes to an abrupt end. I wondered what he was doing…. just then I hear a hissing noise near by, what is that weird noise? Suddenly I see the silver wire is disappearing at the end of it is an orange spark. It comes closer and closer until………POP! I find myself whizzing up into the deep blue, endless sky with lonely, shining, sparkling stars. It’s all very exciting. Just as I feel as I can’t go any higher or faster….BANG!!!!!!!

Wow, what an amazing view up here. I can see big, tall, crowded ships swimming into a great, big harbour on simmering, blue water. I can hear shrieks of laughter and joy from the ground. I can smell feathers and dogs and cat’s fur. I can also see other dazzling fireworks exploding and lighting up the mysterious, dark, moonlight sky with screeching seagulls dancing in cool, invisible night air.
Just then I hear a sizzling sound, it gets louder and louder then I realise that it’s time for me to go and disappear into the midnight sky.

Age 9 to 12

‘A Firework’s Flight’ by Farrah-Jai Burrows, Age 10 Years

I was dumped in a dark, gloomy box, just me, alone. Finally I was shaken to life when the box was picked up. I rattled around, my fuses sparking (I didn’t actually spark, but I got really excited!). Suddenly, daylight struck me like lightning. A pinkish/peachish THING grabbed me. I was yanked out of my comfy, cosy, lonely box into the great, big, bad world.
I was sat on a black stand with fellow fireworks all around me. The sun creeped below the crisp, solid, majestic cliff, leaving Falmouth in awe. Millions of eyes twinkled around me staring into the summer haze. I glanced around and all I could see was darkness folding around me like a blanket of blackness. Humans crowded around me, their faces unidentified. Pressure was pressed against me like a stamp, as another man wandered over to me with a blaze on a stick. Fire.
Just then, I realised what was happening to me. It was my turn. The man was a few steps way from me. He got closer and closer and closer. I smelled the burning smell as the flames let off a cloud of smoke which blew towards me in the breeze. He bent over and his blaze touched my fuse. Here it goes. This was my big moment. What would happen? Would it hurt?
I shot into the sky at the speed of a hawk. I was living the day I was made for. I was the opener. The first firework of the night. I sizzled like a sausage in a frying pan. Then my time came. I let out a large BANG! The audience screamed and cheered and whooped and clapped. Time seemed to pause below me. The sea glared up at me, his waves slowly lapping against the dry shore. Men, women, boys, girls, dogs, cats and birds all stared at me as I lit up the gloomy night sky. Even the moon seemed to wink at me. I was an attraction that the whole wide world seemed to look at. Tall ships floated and bobbed and waves at me as their sails swayed in the gentle breeze.
Then I felt my self falling down, down, down. At that moment, I finally heard the screams of my fans and music screaming through the speakers. I split into a thousand sparks and I hit the ground. My colours left me. It felt like my life left me. Everything went dark. My moment of glory was gone. My final spark of life hit the soft, moist sand. That was the time that I realised my life was over…
I opened my eyes to see stars shining bright directly above me. They twinkled bright as more and more fireworks lit up the night sky. (I felt like a useless waste with all of the bigger, better, brighter fireworks which were now in the beautiful night sky.) On the ground, I saw feet all around me. I was an uncoloured, camouflaged spark on the ground. No-one seemed to see me. Children’s faces sparkled around me, their eyes reflecting the lights.
Suddenly…… everything paused: everything went black and my eyes blocked the lights around me.
Oh no! Were the words that shot into my mind. I heard a thump as feet paced around me. Then one foot stepped on me. Everything went black. Pitch black. Sizzle, bang, wallop. I let out one last, silent shriek. Dawn fell. Dawn was the last thing I saw. Once again, I felt like I was in a dark, gloomy box; just me, alone.

Age 9 to 12

‘A Firework’s Flight’ by Leon Langmaid, Age 10 Years

Alone in the old, dusty, freezing box, I lie there, still as a rock. The journey’s been horrible, bumpy but finally we arrive. I feel the box get lifted and I hear the dust race off the box. It sounds fascinating.
Suddenly the box plummets to the ground and the box walls collapse before my eyes. Boom! I hear another box plummet to the ground.
“Careful!” a man shouted “If you want to get blown up do it somewhere else” he screamed.
Crash! I hear a metal slab slip underneath me and I get lifted up into the air by a yellow, rusty, tall forklift and get driven over to a flat field. Roughly I get shoved into the ground and rudely get connected to the other fireworks around me, I then, get picked up and forced into a pod.
“Ouch!” How would you like it if you got shoved into a pod?. I can see the sun sinking into the horizon a lot more people gather round.
“3,2,1” BAAANGG!
Fizz ,Whoosh ,Pop and I am launched into the dark sky and explode, I can see wooden tall ships sailing across the sea, I can smell the delicious food being cooked down below for all the people, I can hear all the people screaming that the fireworks have been launched into the sky. I can feel the cold air blowing against myself.
Suddenly I can’t feel anything but myself fading away into darkness!

Age 9 to 12

A Firework’s Flight by Alex Graver, Age 10 Years

I was in a shed lonely as could be (the shed was gloomy and dark).Suddenly the door started shaking. BANG! The first fire work went up. He came in. He grabbed me; I was being swung down the path. Soon I was on a metal stand. I was full with excitement. He lay down some string.
Suddenly I heard a scratch. It was fire on the end of a stick. The string was on fire; fire was running down, it was terrifying! Fire struck, it took it’s time, a few minutes later. I was baking hot.
Soon I was whirling in the air. I reached a maximum of height, I looked over Falmouth. The sun sinking down like a submarine. I smelt the salt of fish and chips there was a million tall ships. Flags are waving goodbye. Why is my top on fire? Cats and Dogs jumping. BANG!, BANG!, BANG!,FIZZ!.
I slowly died into the salty air. Dust was all over the Tall ships. The sea was sparkling with delight … However I was delighted too!
Although I wouldn’t be doing it again. I saw beautiful fireworks above me if only I could do it again. The last words I would say before I fell to be part of the sea. Soon I reached the water. The boats were all different colours and shapes. Tall ships and a single lifeboat glided across the shinning sea. Other fireworks were getting ready to set off as another celebration for the Tall ships. I luckily landed on a Tall ships sail. A man walked out of a shop with a massive painting. It was of all the tall ships. It was painted by John Dyer
A gust of wind came and I fell off.