Age 9 to 12

‘Birds Eye Thought’ by Frances Fraser, Age 12 Years

The crowd fills the Harbour
As more people enter the street,
Children dance and adults sing
Running to get a rocky seat.

The emerald sea is full
Crammed to the very last pool.
The ships run high tall and strong,
Their bunting blowing when the wind runs cool.

As the houses empty and
The atmosphere runs wild.
Fireworks bang, crackle and whizz
Like an over excited child!

The sails of the ships
Hang low and full of air.
The masts sway and groan
Like an angry dragon’s lair…

Sausages, onions, burgers galore,
Dancers wiggling their well-dressed hips.
But what catches my beady bird’s eye
Are the bright, flag-filled fast tall ships.