Age 9 to 12

‘The Tall Ships Destiny’ by Bella Carter, Age 9 Years

The Tall Ships Destiny
One day in August 2014 when there was a calm sea and nothing but a light blue glistening ocean  in the distance. As the tall ships arrived there was a sense of celebration. Crystal clear sea flew by while the birds created a beautiful sound. Suddenly out of nowhere the image of clouds so fluffy they could be made out of cotton wool. Fireworks started illuminating the sky. Soon everyone was asleep and they started dreaming about what would happen the next day…
As quick as a flash morning came and the sky wasn’t that clear. There came a big splash. Everyone saw the lifeguard coming to save the sailor. In the end everyone was safe and the fireworks carried on booming and crashing all day long. But as soon as the sun came up, the day became a great day with the colourful scenes of the tall ships. While all the people were enjoying the view others were trying to find friends. Cindy a little girl from Birmingham came down and was taking some glorious photos. People were saying in the background “her pictures are amazing”. As Cindy was walking around with her mother and father she met another little girl called Bethany she was 11 but they soon became best friends and acted like sisters. Bethany and Cindy soon wanted to go everywhere with each other but guess what they did next? They went exploring; to the park, to the beach and onto the tall ships, exactly everywhere in Falmouth. Cindy did not get time to meet Bethany’s mum and dad because they had so many adventures. But they were amazed that their favourite Cornish artist was sketching. Suddenly out of nowhere they started to leave. So that meant Bethany had to go back to her house on Trescobeas road in Falmouth. Because Cindy liked Bethany so much guess what Cindy’s mum and dad did?…
They decided to move house to Falmouth. So Cindy stayed with Bethany in Falmouth, while her mother and father went to get their and Cindy’s stuff and moved into their nice and comfortable cottage in Falmouth. As the great and colourful tall ships raced up to London the sailors were getting the sun in their eyes and enjoyed the fun. As quick as a flash Cindy’s mum and dad were back so they decided to go and find their cottage. As they got there they pictured a great and wonderful place to live and her mum and dad said “this is better than I thought it would be” and most definitely it was. Cindy said to herself “if I didn’t come to Falmouth to see the tall ships I would be very lonely and unhappy”. This is how the tall ships made her day!
By Bella Carter