Age 9 to 12

‘The Tall Ships’ by Freya, Age 11Years

Early yesterday morning I woke up hearing people laughing with excitement as they walked past my house, on their way to the harbour. I knew where they were going to. My mum made me some toast and I got dressed to go down to the Tall Ships Festival at Falmouth. It was exciting to see the ships come in and lots of crowds trying to watch, with their families. The beautiful colours of the fireworks were stunning, everyone was cheering the tall ships on. It was brilliant! There was really good music which was amazing to listen to. Our village was beautiful with the vibrant colours and the lights. I’m one lucky person to live in this lovely town with these festivals going on. There were eye catching stalls and handsome pasties to buy. The tall ships looked very colourful when they came into our harbour. Mum and I had a lovely day watching the tall ships come in making our village proud.