As I slowly got out of bed I could hear a banging noise coming from somewhere nearby. When I looked out of the window I saw a parade walking down to the harbour. To my amazement, there were hundreds of people crowding around the harbour, lots of tall ships and rows of flowers. I could not wait to go and join in with celebrating the tall ships arrival, I really wanted to go and see all the astonishing sites.
After I got out of bed, my mum gave me some toast and I headed outside to join in celebrating. As soon as I stepped out of my door I was blown away by the amount of coloured ships sailing towards the town’s estuary. I took a few more steps along the edge of the harbour mesmerised by all the beautiful flowers gently swaying in the summer breeze. After a while I started to get a bit hungry and tired so I bought a sandwich and sat and watched the band play energetic sea shanties which woke me up so I could carry on celebrating. A few seconds later hundreds of fireworks lit up the sky with vibrant colours. Suddenly there was nothing around so I closed my eyes and when I opened them I was in my bed with a picture in front of me, that’s when I realised it was just a dream. But not just any dream, a dream to remember.