Age 9 to 12

‘Unanswered Love’ by Elizabeth Adesanoye, Age 12 Years

As our ship swiftly sails into the harbour a smile creeps onto my face. I hear the captain calling my fellow sea mates, until my name I hop, jump and skip my way up to him. He had me and a small tiffanies’ box and before I could reply he dismissed me; I’m forced to contain my happiness from the world.
I venture out to complete my mission, along the harbour. Soon I noticed that there is no hope for me here. I decide to scavenge the late night, knowing that I’ll probably find her there. Once I reach my destination I pick up the courage to open the door and find myself slamming the door. I suck up the emotion from my face, turn around and head out of the car park. Before I know it I realise someone is following me; watching my every step. I’m picking up my pace little by little until I find myself sprinting as fast as I can until…..
I feel a sweaty hand grab my shoulder. Before I could stop myself I pull out the tiffanies’ box I say the words I’ve been practising since I set my eyes on her.
Her answer will always be a mystery to me…..

Age 13 to 16

‘My Poem’ by David Littlejohns aged 14

i live by the sea
the sea is in our blood
the sea is history
the sea is love
everyday i see the same old sea
the sea is in our blood
the sea is history
the sea is love
crashing waves on the sand
the sea is in our blood
the sea is history
the sea is love
tide in tide out pulling me
the sea is in our blood
the sea is history
the sea is love
to far distance lands
the sea is in our blood
the sea is history
the sea is love
i love living by the sea
the sea is in our blood
the sea is history
the sea is love