Age 9 to 12

‘Tall Ships’ by Sam, Age 11Years

One night, at quarter to twelve, The Tall Ships came in. Fireworks exploded and laughter filled the air. People were pushing and pulling to get a good view. Fishermen were selling fish and shellfish behind their stalls, calling their wares. The ships were in all different colours but my eye was fixed upon one great oak ship with a figurehead of quartz. Her masts blue, her hull yellow, she wore all the countries upon her sail, her decks filled with happy sailors singing sea shanties. She was beautiful, she sailed agilely across the water.

All my sadness of my brother at sea drained out of me, knowing he was safe. I was filled with joy and happiness, now knowing peace was around me. Then I saw a lovely sight; I saw a boy, probably no older than eleven playing the accordion and he was the heart of the music. Without thinking I began to dance and cheer; I felt a great weightlessness in myself. I felt proud to be here, still the fireworks went off and by now it was 1:15 am and I was exhausted, so I went home.
I had a great night.