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Children clap clap
Church bells ding ding
Seals splash splash
Seagulls flap flap
Waves lap lap.
Tag: Church Bells
The fireworks sizzle and crackle,
They swirl and curl,
High in the sky they amazingly astonish the gasping crowd below.
Some ships sail along the briny sea,
Whilst the buildings are on the dry,
Palm trees are waving above your heads shouting in praise.
The church bells chime and dong,
The fireworks go high above your heads exploding,
The moon glistens and shines bright against the darkness of the night.
The church bells chime and dong,
They go through time with you.
And it all makes you feel …HAPPY!!!
Looking out of my window, as I cuddle Bow,
Her fur soft and silky, her purr deep and low.
A rainbow of colours, jumping in the sky,
Red, blue and yellow: it makes me want to cry.
Whizz! Pop! Bang!
The choir of fireworks sing.
Twirl! Whizzle! Crackle!
The church bells ring.