Age 9 to 12

‘Tall Ships’ by Daniel, Age 9 years

Tall Ships

Tall Ships, Tall Ships everywhere
Up in the sky and above the land
Tall Ships, Tall Ships everywhere
They’re really old but …
Still in action

by Daniel Mylor Bridge School

Age 9 to 12

‘A Firework’s Flight’ by Jarvis Prowse, Age 9 Years

I’m stuck in a dark box alone, no one to talk to, just a cardboard wall. I looked out of a hole in the box, it was coming dark, people were standing in the town.

Suddenly I heard footsteps, someone was coming, I quickly laid down. Then someone picked me up, and put me in a comfy slot. There was a another person next to me, he attached a long piece of rope to me. I said “ What’s this?”. A sizzling noise, it flicked in my ear, then they set the rope on fire.

Then I flew up into the night blue sky . “I can see the whole place from up hear, people cheering, birds flying, then I saw the most special thing in the world , a sign saying “ John Dyer.” My creator.

After that I went into the sea and died, but I still have that picture in my mind and I had one more look. Now my heat was lost in time and space.

Age 9 to 12

‘A Firework’s Flight’ by Megan Crossland, Age 10 Years

I woke up with a start. I’m in a dusty wooden box. I try to wake my friends but they’re too busy sleeping. I’m alone in the dusty, dirty box. I try to get to sleep but my firework friends are too busy snoring. I yawn, dust blows every where. I make an amazingly noisy sneeze.
“A,a,a,a,a,tchoooooooooo!” I sneeze.
Everyone wakes up.
“Hu!” they all cry.
“What’s that racket?” One says.
“Sorry it was me. I sneezed.”
Then everyone went to sleep.

Suddenly, I felt like I am getting tickled. But someone is carrying me. I rub my eyes, who is this mysterious person? Suddenly, I feel this big tapping. I’m getting wet, it’s raining.

Eventually, I get put in a long metal tube. I’m getting cold and wet. Then I see my friends all around me looking worried. These two men put some dynamite cord from me to their car. They pull out a flame. I try to run but my tail is too far in the ground. I see the spark come closer and closer. Then I start to glow green and BANG! I shoot up into the sky. I can see the tall boats under me as I am racing higher and higher. The fireworks are lots and lots of different colours. Why does this sting and tingle sooo much? I can smell different people’s hot dogs. However, I hear a cracking shriek, David has faded away. Next it was my turn…

Age 9 to 12

‘Church Bells’ by George Birkett, Age 12 Years

Looking out of my window, as I cuddle Bow,
Her fur soft and silky, her purr deep and low.
A rainbow of colours, jumping in the sky,
Red, blue and yellow: it makes me want to cry.
Whizz! Pop! Bang!
The choir of fireworks sing.
Twirl! Whizzle! Crackle!
The church bells ring.