Age 9 to 12

‘Tall Ship Fireworks!!’ bySam, Age 9 Years


Sails swaying
Boats rocking
Birds flapping
Sea lapping
Dolphins jumping
Seals barking
Fireworks crackling

By Sam

Age 9 to 12

‘A Voyage of Discovery’ by Noah Walker aged 9

A Voyage Of Discovery

9th July 1850

I was washed onto a golden yellow beach surround by luscious green forests the sand was flaming hot so I jumped up straight away. All I could remember was that The Fierce was ship wrecked. The water around me was filled with playful dolphins and tropical fish.

I emerged into the forest with a jagged rock from the ground, there were howling monkeys and twittering of birds. Eventually I found a sparkling lagoon full of mudskippers and crocodiles. I swam across. Some crocodiles looked a bit suspicious and they started to snap at me. But on the other side of the lagoon I thought I heard voices and I went further. I swear I saw people watching me and yellow eyes peering through the trees. “Hello?”… No one answered.

Next, I came up to a mountain so I started to climb until I found a cave. Luckily for me, it had an underground lake full of fish! I began to lap up the water, greedily and outside bamboo was growing, so I snapped some down. I jabbed at the water, eager to catch a fish. However, I found a bottle filled with water. I kept it for later. I’m glad I still have this paper to write on and if anyone ever finds this letter… I AM STILL ALIVE!


Age 9 to 12

‘Jim’ by Theo, Age 11Years

Jim sighted a cat alone, abandoned by its master – no-one looking for it, no-one tending it. Jim, pasty in hand, walked cautiously towards the frightened creature, broke off a meaty chunk, held it out and waited. The cat crept forward, its pads pressing on the ground lightly, sparingly knocked the meat from his hand and chewed on it curiously, tugging at the juicy delight.
After that he took the cat home and as they walked the fireworks started reflecting off the giant sails down in the harbour. Sailors climbed the tall strong masts of their proud ships. The water, dazzling on the seals and dolphins, gleamed in the stars. Cries of “Anchor down” and all the bangs, whizzes and fizzes greeted him on the way to the door.
Then the music of the sea commenced, swishes and crashes of the waves on the pebbles, climbing their way on to the rocks. The squarks of seagulls crying at passers-by. A dog’s harsh bark sends the seagulls flying towards the moon……