Age 9 to 12

‘Home at Sea Again’ by Maddie Nagele Age 9 Years

Home At Sea Again

Home at sea again, with the lapping waves underfoot and the white fluffy clouds overtop, but all I ask is a ship to glide on the tide. Standing in an admirals hat hearing the gulls fly by. I boss the tars and they work all day and work all night I feed them well but then they fight. I am an Admiral tall and proud I am a man in a hat with a beard it is me it is me and I am the Admiral.

Home at sea again, with my boat in the sea that sparkles like the stars above, but with the moon hung between hundreds of stars, my tars are here my tars are there doing chores till their hands are red raw when I enter they want to surrender because I am so harsh but fair.

Home at sea again, on my huge immense boat with my sails flapping and whistling in the endless breeze. I am standing on ancient boats traveling over rough seas, I have the cannons I have the crew I am ready to go to battle with you!

Age 9 to 12

‘A Firework’s Flight’ by Ellie Gorfin, Age 10 Years

I’m in a wooden box, it is pitch black, I’ve only got a small space to move. I feel like I’m a crisp in a crisp packet. I’m all scrunched up and can hardly move. I’m bouncing up and down as the truck is moving. I am woken up by light, it is like am I going into a new world. Quickly, one by one, me and all of the other fireworks are getting pulled out.
The sun is getting pulled down in the sky and behind the cliff, it is like it is hiding! All of a sudden the stars are running across the sky and spreading them selves like jam on toast. An hour later I’m placed on the grass so gently like I’m a fragile piece of glass.
Suddenly I hear scratching (what’s happening?) “Help me” I whimpered to myself all I could see was a flash of light, is it lightening? I can feel heat on my toes, slowly the flame is crawling up the rope getting me ready to be shot into the sky as fast as a bullet! Seconds later…
As gracefully as a ballet dancer I’m in the beautiful bright blue sky. Below me I can see the crystal sea sparkling, and the tall ships rocking like a rocking chair! I can hear the group of excited people cheering as we are in the sky, the seals dancing in the waves. I can hear the clock ticking every second, the dog howling like a horn. The last thing I can hear is a person playing the accordion!
Then slowly I fade away like a piece of dust being blown and never to be seen again.